Many people are facing difficult times today due to our current economic conditions and unfortunately, bad things happen to good people. Most people who borrow money do so fully intending to pay it back but sometimes, unexpected misfortunes happen. Job losses, accidents, divorce, medical costs, death, overwhelming credit card debt, and business failures can leave you with expenses you cannot pay no matter how hard you try. You may find yourself unsure of what your next step should be but it is important to know that bankruptcy exists as a way for you to become free of your debts and start over. In legal terms, bankruptcy is the means by which you as a debtor may relieve yourself of oppressive unsecured debts, stop creditor harassment, and depending upon the type of bankruptcy you file, force a repayment schedule on certain kinds of secured debts. One of the main purposes of Bankruptcy Law is to give a person who is hopelessly burdened with bills a fresh start by wiping out their debts. Many view bankruptcy as a negative thing but nothing could be farther from the truth because bankruptcy allows you the opportunity to start over and begin the process of rebuilding your credit, your good name, and your future.
Attorney Robert H Pflueger and his professional staff at Orlando Bankruptcy has literally helped thousands of Floridians get a fresh start by discharging their unsecured debts. Robert H Pflueger has performed bankruptcy law for over 30 years and Bankruptcy Law is all that he practices. One of the most experienced attorneys helping people file bankruptcy in the State of Florida, he is a member of the Orange County Bankruptcy Bar Association, the Central Florida Bankruptcy Law Association, the Orange County Bar Association, the Seminole County Bar Association, the Orange County Bar Association, and the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys. He has represented clients from all walks of life in consumer protection and civil cases for his entire practice. Robert Pflueger is extremely caring and he understands that filing for a Florida bankruptcy involves more than just finances. He takes great pride in helping his clients not only resolve their financial issues but also recover their lives.
Orlando Bankruptcy recognizes that speed can be critically important in securing your rights, especially when your personal or commercial financial interests are at stake. Bankruptcy is a serious legal matter and while The Bankruptcy Act was designed by Congress to help people and businesses get a fresh start, if you make a mistake in handling your own proceedings you may lose valuable rights and property. Before you attempt to handle your own bankruptcy, keep in mind that your creditors will be using bankruptcy attorneys to enforce their rights against you. Having a skilled professional assist you is extremely important and by contacting Robert H Pflueger, you will get exactly that. Many people believe that if they file for bankruptcy they lose everything but nothing could be further from the truth because most people keep everything they own. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, your most significant asset may be your current income and future earnings. Filing for bankruptcy will prevent creditors from garnishing your wages as soon as your petition is filed, even if your creditor has reduced your debt to a judgment and is currently collecting against your wages.
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